Mortensen Texture Screen? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

An offline friend is looking for sources for the Mortensen Texture Screen. I have no idea -- any suggestions

-- Mason Resnick (, March 29, 2000


The Mortensen texture screens were sold until recently by Texture Effects in California. However, I referred a friend to them last month and the phone number on their brochure is no longer Texture Effects, but another company who reported that Texture Effects is no more? :(

-- Gene Laughter (, March 29, 2000.

... but in case my friend happened to make a mistake in phoning the source for the texture screens, or if the answering party was mistaken, here's a URL on the Mortensen screen that makes for interesting reading and has the address, phone number and email address for Texture Effects at the bottom.



-- Gene Laughter (, March 29, 2000.

... and, as I forgot to include the URL, here 'tis:



-- Gene Laughter (, March 29, 2000.

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