Y2K supplies-cheap

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TB2K spinoff uncensored : One Thread

26 New COLEMAN Stove Kits unopened...ready for resale


I bought out a sporting goods store going under...clik the "view other auctions" link above to see what else I got!! (Yea..right!)

These things were priced around $10 each!

2 kerosine gen for model 445-700 & 450-700

1 229 dual fuel lantern maint. kit

4 stove kits: 550-499 or 550a-499

3 duel fuel stove maint kit for 445-700

4 stove kits for 450-700

1 electric smoker replacement filament (little chef)

1 lantern generator piece thrown in for any Lanternking

conservatively using the clearance price, this equal $150 dollars worth of stuff befor tax!

Ant the high bid is now....$24.99. Seems you can barely give this stuff away these days.

-- Cherri (sams@brigadoon.com), March 30, 2000


But his "lava lamp" is currently going for $50.00! Guess it's perceived to have greater value. This is enough to make even the most die-hard doomer ponder.

-- OneMore (DoomerNo@More.com), March 30, 2000.

Well just maybe you need to check the retail prices; Whats offered on E-bay are cheap repair kits that are not used much lol

-- awdragon (awdragon@yahoo.com), March 30, 2000.

FEMA Urges Consumers To Keep Y2K Preparedness Items


-- (Always@be.prepared), March 30, 2000.

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