What do you daydream about?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Nayad : One Thread

A different job? A new house? Sex? Do you daydream a lot, or just a little?

For my wild, crazy fantasy, I daydream about being a rock star. Don't laugh! Another big theme is pondering what features we should put into our Dream House, because someday Emorog and I want to build a bigger house than the current one. Um, oh, and I also tinker with little revenge fantasies now and then, for people who deserve them - not that I'd ever turn them into reality (as far as you know! and you probably know who you are! mwahahahahahahahahaha... :).

-- ann monroe (monroe@chorus.net), March 30, 2000


I usually daydream any chance I get. The things that come to mind are sometimes the same and often different. If I'm at home, I usually daydream about what it's going to be like in the future. I usually make it out to be a lot better than it probably will be. When I'm working or in the car, I think about what it would be like to visit or live in New York or Chicago. I really want to visit both places. Lately though, I've been daydreaming about going to Europe to tour Italy, France, Switzerland, England, etc. and never having to come back. Somehow, I always seem to get stuck overseas, but I manage to find a nice house on the water in Italy and live there for years and years and years, and the friends I bring with me end up being my neighbors. I have some well paying job and I also meet a wonderful man who helps me get to know the city. *sigh* Hopefully one of these days I'll make it to Europe. :)

-- Phyllis Ann (Rabid_Clown@hotmail.com), April 01, 2000.

One of my goals is to stop daydreaming so much. My mind wanders where it will. In physics class I'll end up plotting my next lesbain vampire story to write, then I'll get home and not know how to do my homework. It's terrible!

-- AJ (joijoijoi@hotmail.com), April 13, 2000.

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