BOOYAH!!! : LUSENET : Limp Bizkit : One Thread

-- Bloodshed (, March 31, 2000


hi kyle

-- kevin henke (www.AUST1NPOVVERS@/, March 31, 2000.

hi kyle

-- kevin henke (www.AUST1NPOVVERS@/, March 31, 2000.

kyle talk

-- kevin henke (www.AUST1NPOVVERS@/, March 31, 2000.

Hi kevin can you read this it is pretty smallhave you talked to clay

-- Bloodshed (, March 31, 2000.

what do mean talk today?????

-- kevin henke (www.AUST1NPOVVERS@/, March 31, 2000.

Clay is gone now<-H1>Youre weird

-- Bloodshed (, March 31, 2000.


-- kevin henke (www.AUST1NPOVVERS@/, March 31, 2000.

Yah, og to the other BOOYAH message and there are some secret words in the letters i wrote

-- Bloodshed (, March 31, 2000.

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