how do I get a show in a gallery? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

i haven't shown even once anywhere so i really could use your help. i've looked and looked on the web for specifics on how to approach gallery owners etc. is there a particular protocol or is it just by guess and by golly? can you advise about what is preferred when i take samples to galleries? Should i invest in a website portfolio (and since i am old fashioned, i rather hate this idea, but would take in under consideration if it is a good approach) i sincerely havent been able to find particulars on this and would appreciate any and all advise from the seasoned professional.

-- patti bergin (, March 31, 2000


Hi Patti, starting at 'ground-zero' it might be worth your while to go to the library and see if they have a copy of the book 'Photographers Marketplace.' Of course, you can also find it at B&N, etc. It has a good introductory section on how to do what you are looking for. chris

-- Christian Harkness (, March 31, 2000.

Patti - there is no one way for submissione. Call the gallery you are interested in and ask what their policy is for submission. Slides, prints, etc. ?

-- jim megargee (, April 01, 2000.

There's an excellent book that is very helpful, Taking the Leap by Cay Lang (click here to read about it. The only thing missing is the web aspect, it was written afew years ago.

I did get one show from my website, so it's definitely worth having it. And although I have never made a new sale from my website, I do use it to market to people who bought from me at a show.

-- Jeff Spirer (, April 01, 2000.

Well the link is bad and so is my punctuation :-). Try this:

-- Jeff Spirer (, April 01, 2000.

There are some interesting articles by the owner of the Afterimage Gallery in Dallas, Tx. at The article titled "The Untalented Photographer" has some tips on how to approach gallery owners.

-- Chris Patti (, April 03, 2000.

Be very good and beg like hell. They like it when you get on your knees. James

-- james (, April 08, 2000.

I was an aide for a woman that had gallery shows all the time- not only did she have a killer portfolio, she also sent promo pieces (ex. postcards of her photography) to the gallerys to put her name out. I personally started showing my stuff at the town art show and cities art show, books stores (Borders), and coffee houses. I have a web page and have found it easy to get jobs that way, but not as a way to get gallery bookings.

-- Erica Musser (, April 29, 2000.

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