The Wista Photo Gallery: Ready for prime time??? : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

The Wista Photo Gallery is a photography exhibit of documentary photographs taken in Worcester, Massachusetts. The photographs are full frame black & white images.

Why do some people think that when you do documentary photography that you can't or haven't taken "pretty pictures?" I know there is no market for what I shoot, but to me documentary photos have a life all their own...

-- Mark Tillman (, April 01, 2000


Looks like Hammond, IN

Why Wista?

-- Sean yates (, April 03, 2000.

Worcester is a lot like Hammond, Ind. except the people tawk wicked funny.... some even say "Wista" when they mean "woostah"....

-- Chris Yeager (, April 06, 2000.

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