Here's a neat web : LUSENET : FRL friends : One Thread |
My mom emailed this to me. It's a neat site to play with:I officially declare this than, the neat site be added whence you find a neat site. Whence,..and only whence!
-- kritter (, April 03, 2000
From an email I received:Smile!
-- Gayla (, April 04, 2000.
Gayla, that is truely disgusting. And it crashed my grumpy old computer too!:
-- Lon Frank (, April 04, 2000.
GaylaTruly a heartwarmer! Thanks, I have passed the smiles on!! Keep 'em coming!!
-- Aunt Bee (, April 06, 2000.
I wonder who thinks these things up? :-)Man's Years
-- Gayla (, April 08, 2000.
This takes a few minutes to load, but Calvin is a classic!Calvin's Snowmen
-- Gayla (, April 08, 2000.