Thank You - Dog Car Sickness : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Thank you everyone who helped us out.

The other night we took Betsy for a 45 minute car drive without any problems.

-- Rich (, April 04, 2000


Here's the Picture. sorry

-- Rich (, April 04, 2000.

Great lookin pooch!! Did you figure out the problem or did time fix it. I love those ears!....Kirk

-- Kirk Davis (, April 04, 2000.

Sorry, I missed the first part of this thread. Could someone please direct me to it, I have a dog that gets car sick every time she goes for a ride. Thanks!

-- Jeff Schuler (, April 08, 2000.

On the home page scroll down to "older messages by catagory". Click on "uncatagorized". Scroll down to "dog car sickness".

Rich- how about telling us which method(s) you used and which one worked? I'm curious.

-- Peg (, April 08, 2000.

Well we tried everything suggested except drugging her. What finally worked - we got her tired, the kids played with her for hours on end. and we did not give her dinner. She stayed on my beautiful wife, Paula's lap, with the vent blowing on her. Paula talked to her and tried to keep her from looking out the side windows, looking only straight ahead. After about 15 minutes, Betsy put her head down and went to sleep.

I must admit that Betsy was never afraid of a car ride, always wanting to go, whenever we walked past the car. She has been on many 5 minute rides.

A vet told me that a dog her size (approx. 14 pounds) can be given 12.5 mg of Dramamine or Marmine, dimenhydrinate(active ingredient). This would have been one of our future steps.

Of course it helped that the township put down new gravel on the road, so the first part of a trip now is not so rough.

Once again, Thank You.

-- Rich (, April 09, 2000.

My dog groomer told us that she had a customer whose dog would show up so sick that she was foaming at the mouth every time she came in. The dogs vet is a holistic vet and told the owner to give the dog ginger snaps 15 - 30 min.before the ride. It worked wonders. She can ride all over now.

-- Michele McCullough (, April 11, 2000.

My Sasha has just started being car sick after three years. She was a rescue dog when I had, so I think she is about 9 years old now.

It is a big problem because most of my family live away. Do you think that because I have changed my car over the past 4 months, that she does not like the ride in it? She normally stays in the boot.

I will try the ginger biscuits that I found on a website tonight, when I go to meet a friend to walk our dogs. Will let you know how I get on.

Jill Coppinger & Sasha

-- Jil Coppinger (, April 25, 2001.

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