What is happening to Fox?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

OK, so I admit that for the past few weeks I've been avoiding my usual Tuesday and Wednesday night TV shows. Last night I turned on FOX for the first time in a while and found out that not only is Party of Five in it's last 5 episodes, but 90210 is as well (I was expecting that.).

Today I was looking at the Party of Five message boards (I tell you.. I'm bored here at work), and I noticed that Get Real is having a series finale as well, and that show just started. What's going on over there at FOX?

All my tv nights are disappearing :)

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000


good question... i've decided to watch the last of the "90210" (afterall, it's about time those poor kids have fun with their mid-life crisis), and saw "PO5" last night...

i suppose we'll be getting the last of the "simpsons" soon, too.

maybe management change? maybe fox is loosing it's "edge" that's being taken (slowly) by, dare i say, the WB?!

i just hope no more show like "titus." it sucks.

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

Maybe they're just going to shift into more "reality based" programing.. like um.. "World's Dumbest Criminals, part 982".

Plus, it's hockey play off season. Maybe they'll light up a puck and create nifty neon trails for a couple of months?

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

I'm going to have to disagree. I'm not sad to see the end of 90210 or Party of Five, and I thought Titus was hysterical. Although Fox does desperately need some new shows.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2000

the local news on fox is what i refer to as "paranoia" news- there's always something HORRIBLE lurking that you have to be cautious about. rarely happy stories- mostly danger, criminals, and poison.

oh- and the weather people are NEVER satisfied with the weather: -so, when are we going to get some rain? -it's been raining for a 1/2 hour now, when is the sun coming out?

WE NEED THE RAIN, FOX IN AUSTIN. do a raindance or something else useful.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2000

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