rash between the ears & eyes...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

I have a 9yr old male MC named Val. We recently (7 weeks ago) relocated from Virginia to Louisiana. He has recently developed some spotty looking sores on the skin between his eyes and ears. Today he seemed to lack energy and appeared to be limping. I am quite concerned as I've been keeping him inside since we moved here so I'm sure it's not an injury. He has never had a single health problem before now. I am also in a new city (New Orleans) and unfamiliar with the local vets. Has anyone had/or heard of this problem before? I noticed a similar entry from August of '99, but nothing more recent. Also, if there is a kitty owner in my area who could recommend a cat-loving vet, I would be truly grateful.


-- Anonymous, April 05, 2000

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