Can you tell us a story about Dr. Wells? : LUSENET : Chancellor : One Thread

I remember seeing a memo from the President one time when Prince Dhani was visiting. It detailed how the Prince's room at the union was to be made ready. What magazines would be there. Who would be asked to arrange some flowers, What kind of chocholate, refreshments, etc. were to be on hand. A number of other details that time has blurred.

At the time and to this day I was impressed by the level of attention to detail, how much he knew of the Prince's tastes, how many people he was able to call on to insure the visit be pleasent.

During the past few weeks I have been struck by the difference between a calling and a career. For Dr. Wells, I.U. and the Bloomington Campus were indeed a calling.

-- Anonymous, April 06, 2000

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