First kidney patient? : LUSENET : ER Discussions : One Thread

I am a little confused about what happened to the first patient (the cranky one)for the kidney? Why was he not given the kidney and Kovach had to find others (the pregnant woman and the cocaine guy)? I know I missed something, but I didn't think I left my TV once!!! - Emily

-- Emily (, April 07, 2000


He developed a problem (unstable angina?). I think that's what Luka said. I believe he was talking to Corday & told her. It was easy to miss because they didn't say anything else about him.

-- Ellen (, April 07, 2000.

Thanks for that answer; I was rewinding trying to figure that one out.

-- Larry (, April 07, 2000.

I was confused- it was unstable angina!

-- Anna Rousseau (, May 16, 2000.

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