large ice cream freezer : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am looking for an article about building a large ice cream freezer that I read in Countryside awhile back. It was written by a man who built himself one and sells the ice cream at fairs. I would appreciate anyone letting me know which issue it was in. I can't seem to find it. Thanks

-- MJW (, April 11, 2000


I found the article and design plans very good. The issue in question, I have sold at a give away price I might add. However I do remember this

Charles Turner, 1424 240th Street, Redfield, IA 50233

Mr Turner, had a stroke and while in the hospital he devise his freezers. He has them in operation. Altho he does not have the "zip" he used to have, he was still going in the Summer of 1998.

Send him a self stamp and address envelope with a few dollars for his favorite chairty.

If you can no longer contact Mr. Turner get back with me. I have a copy of the plans boxed in the goat barn. JR

-- JR (, April 15, 2000.

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