Summer jacket : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Hello, I am looking for riding summer jacket. I have a lether jacket ventilated but it is so hot. any recommendatin? Thanks, Don

-- don poney (, April 12, 2000


I have not tried any of the ventilated stuff, but I do believe in their products. I have a regular Vanson jacket and pants. You can check out their summer gear at the following link...

-- moderator (, April 12, 2000.

One of the local H-D dealers suggested I try a summer "full mesh" jacket by Kushitani. It is polyester rather than leather and cost around $250. Kushitani has a web site where you can see it.

-- Patty Conaway (, April 15, 2001.

My local dealer is selling a Joe Rocket jacket that's also made of a special mesh and has an abundance of padding in the proper places.

He's selling them for $150 and their going like hot cakes here in Phoenix. It's from the Ballistic line and works really well. I bought one last night. Very light and ventilated and should offer reasonable protection. Although, I doubt it's comparable to full leather.

My local dealer is Cyclemoto and their number is (480) 898-0559. It's a great deal.

-- Allan Gibbs (, April 19, 2001.

Some clarification: The jacket's name is Joe Rocket's Phoenix jacket and the $150 included Arizona 7.2% tax. It retails for $139.00. It's armored and made of a "poly-steel blend" mesh.

I've had it for two days and feel as cool as a t-shirt. It's much cooler and lighter than the ventilated leather I have, that doesn't really work that well either. In leathers defense, it does offer more protection but is almost unbearable in Phoenix's 105+ degree summers.

-- Allan Gibbs (, April 20, 2001.

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