Vintage Soft Focus : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
In the March/April issue of ViewCamera Magazine there was a brief article by Jay Allen about using Vintage Pictorial and Soft-Focus Lenses such as Portarit Ektars, Vitax/Veritos, Imagons etc...In the Article there was a reference to a book titled Pictorial, Soft Focus and Portrait lenses from the Past. I looked everywhere including and cannot find it. Any tips on finding this book? I believe the author of the article also wrote the book.
Thanks! Steve
-- Steve Nieslony (, April 13, 2000
I think you have to order it from him. He has a website at where you should be able to get in touch with him to order it. DJ
-- N Dhananjay (, April 13, 2000.
There's a very interesting website that explores the use of old box camera and other lenses for soft focus. It's fairly lavishly illustrated, and well worth a look.Go here
-- Pete Andrews (, April 13, 2000.