MINOX MD 6X16 Monocular

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Minox MD 6X16 is a neat pocket monocular. It weights only 4 oz, like a Minox B, a nice complement as a travel scope. The neckcord is removeable.

It is a pity that the eyepice end is also rectangular and does not fit the Minox binocular adpapter.

If this monocular has a rounded eyepiece end to fit binocular adapter it may used togethar with a Minox 8x11 for telephotograpphy.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), April 13, 2000


Turn a Minox MD6X16 into an EMOSKOP

The principle of an Arthur Seibert Emoskop is telescope plus a loup = microscope and the magnification of Emoskop = magnification of telescope multiplied by the magnification of the loup.

I tried out the following combination, it all works, though none as convenient as the Seibert Emoscop.

MD 6X16 Plus a 50mm standard lens for 35mm camera = 30 x Emoscop

MD 6X16 PLUS Carl Zeiss 0.2m Proxar makes the MD6X16 close focus to 20 cm

You may try MD 6X16 with a handheld biconvex magnifier, but image quality not as good.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), April 23, 2000.

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