Reality Theory, Choice Theory in Early CHild Education : LUSENET : GLASSER Choice Theory & Reality Therapy : One Thread

I have been discussing how Early CHildhood Education could be positively impacted with The Glasser theory. Have their been any publications on any work or data in this area. I have read the development of a high school student with glasser theory, but am interested in how it can be used in Early Childhood Education. I am a E.C. Student studying alternatives in instruction that do not focus on the traditional prepare the child for the next level but rather let the child learn by learning in the current developmentaly appropriate level. Any assistance in this area would be helpful. Thank you

-- Tara Ruley (, April 13, 2000


I do not have much of an answer rather i would like to know more about glasser contributions or ways to target early childhood education. I am currently in a masters program for Guidance and counseling. I have read some of Dr. Glasser work which i find essential for my intended field of work.

-- angel fernandez (, April 03, 2001.

I too am currently working on my masters in educational counseling. I am trying to find journal articles that make use of Glasser's therapy. However, the therapy is not very testable and is limited usage to schools makes for slim research finding. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank-you

-- Julie Sopko (, July 11, 2001.

I don't know that is is such a good idea for young children. They only have control over a limited amount of variables in their life. They have difficulty thinking about the long term. They have difficulty considering others outside of themselves. Choice theory requires the person to consider their past and what they want in the future and act on it. I believe that young children are very limited in that area due to their limited life experiences.

-- audrey e (, May 01, 2002.

choice is ideal for children. given choice to study those subjects that inflame the mind of the child regardless of age;a child will far exceed his "level".if given the choice to study that which is fun (interesting?)to the child to in learning is a good gauge of effective teaching.a child may only need the IDEA suggested that "this is so fun to study"backed with enthusiasm to create a receptive state.given choices between many "very excitng things"to learn a child finds a vista before their eyes-not just a desk and work.the first step seldom used .

-- julian porter (, August 29, 2002.

excuse me (computer crash) the first step seldom used (in regards to the focus issue ) is to remove or transform the unseen attitudes and the mental,physical,emotional,and behavioral,habits that work against successful study habits. -----good luck

-- julian porter (, August 29, 2002.

Nancy Buck wrote a book "Peaceful Parenting" that talks about children very young and choice theory/ reality therapy. It can be found by going to her website: There is also a newsletter and workbook. If approaching Early Childhood Development from appropriate developmental levels, etc., it seems quite compatible to me, as helping children make effective choices is critical to their learning.

-- Nancy Martin (, February 22, 2004.

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