What is Silverfast??

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I am wondering if Silverfast is an imaging software or a scanner interface software or both. If only the later, can it support the Caonon FS2710? How does it support Photoshop or does Photoshop support it? I am confused. Thanks Robb

-- Robb Russell (rnkrussell@hotmail.com), April 13, 2000


There are separate software packages for scanner or digital camera aquisition or post-scan manipulation.

Check it out at:Silverfast Website

If you already have Photoshop there may not be much advantage over aquiring 36bit scans and manipulating them at 48bit colour depth. I've been doing this with my Acer film scanner (not supported by Silverfast ayway :^(), and haven't yet felt the need for anything else.

-- Pete Andrews (p.l.andrews@bham.ac.uk), April 14, 2000.

SilverFast Ai will be available for Acer film scanners soon. Please try a demo of SilverFast HDR from our web site which does very efficiently allow to work with the raw 48 bit data from scanners or digital cameras. SilverFast HDR is available as Photoshop Plug-in or TWAIN. Optional IT8 calibration and Job Management to work through thousands of images quickly! See Andrew Rodney's article about SilverFast HDR in PEI Magazine!


-- Karl-Heinz Zahorsky (khz@SilverFast.com), April 21, 2000.


Any estimate of when SilverFast will be available for the UMAX 4000U? Will you offer a special intro price as you did for the Epson 1600?

The UMAX is a decent scanner, but the UMAX software absolutely sucks for scans from negatives (transparencies aren't so bad.) The VistaScan software they ship with it is absolutely brain dead - can't even save settings after making all the necessary adjustments! We hacked MagicScan to work with it, but it is unsupported for this unit.

Also have a Minolta Scan Multi - any plans on supporting that thing? I imagine I will have to wait for SilverFast SE for that one? (Bought the flatbed to do contact sheets only.)

Thanks for your help. We are desperate to buy your product!


-- Michael T. Murphy (mmurph@ix.netcom.com), April 22, 2000.

AS mentioned in previuos replies SilverFast HDR may be the best choice in your situation. The canon can output 36bit files so it's ideally suited for HDR. Karl-Heinz has suggested Andrew Rodneys article in PEI magazine. However, you can read comprehensive reviiw of Silverfast AI at my web site, see url after signature. HDR works in a virtualy identical way to Silverfast for specific scanner models so you should find the artiecle useful.

Ian Lyons http://welcome.to/computerdarkroom

-- Ian Lyons (ilyons@.msn.com), April 22, 2000.

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