composion of a image : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I`m beguinning in photography and i would like to know some of composion of a photo like :triangles and lignes and where should i center the subject and if you please , in a horizontal or vertical take ,sorry about my english,thanks

-- luis costa (, April 15, 2000


The only rule of composition is that which lends the greatest strenght to the image in your eyes. Pat

-- pat j. krentz (, April 15, 2000.

There are a couple of books on formal rules of composition, such as the one-third rule, or that diagonal lines are dynamic, asf. Personally, however, I never found these books a great help, and I never could remember the formal rules when I tried to improve my shooting that way. I would just view a scene through the finder, take a few steps to the side, kneel, or climb on something until the picture looked satisfactory, and I find that a good way to learn. If you want formal composition rules, they are probably the same for photos as for paintings, and any bookstore with a good stock of books on art should be able to help you.

-- Thomas Wollstein (, April 17, 2000.

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