Any good homestead email lists? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi! I'm trying to locate a good, open email list for homesteaders. Prefer one without religious preferance, is open minded, & has minimal flaming, etc, and a reasonable amount of emails. I was on one a couple years ago, but it died out. Now that we finally got our own place I'm ready to rejoin one and get some ideas! Thanks.

-- Elle (, April 16, 2000


The way the founder and manager of this forum has set this up--you may have found a home. There are no stupid questions here--we try to give good answers to everything. We don't flame much and we try to respect differing views(even mine) Sit down--write away--and see if you like it ?

-- Joel Rosen (, April 16, 2000.

Elle: Your search is over! You have already found the best homesteading forum in existence. Good folks, good advice, few "issues". Welcome aboard, John and Pat

-- John and Pat James (, April 16, 2000.

Elle, go to EGroups or, they merged sometime ago, put homestead in the search engine, they also have goat, and other animal lists, and lots of folks on them. Knowledgeable ones too! There is a smattering of christianity, they just can't help themselves, but no more or less than is on this forum. This forum does tend to have some censorship on it, some folks don't just answer the questions to answer it, they also have to have everyone agree with them, and your stupid, or some how less educated if you don't. With some folks not answering some threads, because they just don't want to hear it. They will E-Mail you privately though, and have some very valid thoughts! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (, April 16, 2000.

It's sure strange how Christianity has gotten to be something that has to be appologized for! Well, what some folks call Christianity isn't really; the loss of the real thing is why this country has so many problems. I'm not going to appologize for Jesus Christ. We need Him so badly. But this is a great forum, and probably one of the few places left where we can say who we really are, and help each other with real problems, and enjoy the humor!

-- Kathleen Sanderson (, April 17, 2000.

Go to It is a WONDERFUL homesteading e-mail list that is quite active, no flaming allowed, and very open to ALL beliefs (you won't find that people are constantly trying to "convert" you there). The list is called Homestead-work. The basic feel of the list is that posts should be written as though this was a neighborly chat at the kitchen table over coffee. The list owner does not moderate except when necessary (once in awhile someone will try to start a flame war or goes way off topic and she has to step in, but that is very rare). I have belonged to several homesteading lists over the years, and this one is truly wonderful!

-- Gloria (, April 17, 2000.

Hi, Been just lurk'n and really enjoy this list. I tried to subscribe to the egroup homestead listed above several days ago. How long does it take to get approved? Thanks, L.A.

-- L.A. Romsa (, April 20, 2000.

L.A. -- it probably depends on how busy the list owner is on her homestead! I know if one subscribes in the wintertime, she can have them on there the same day. If it is more than two days, try again.

-- Gloria (, April 22, 2000.

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