Panoramic/VR digital photography : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

First of all, I truly appreciate what you have done here. The information is amazing!

I am a working pro dipping my toe into digital. For many reasons over several months, it looks like I will go towards the Nikon 990. A request of one client is to do 360 degree panoramic VR for the web. I have seen Quick Time question is with this camera, do I use the "Movie Mode" or shoot several stills? If the later, I'm guessing that the software will allow me to stitch the single images together. Are there any VR or Panoramic forums around?

Many thanks!


-- George Von Kantor (, April 16, 2000


One of the best places (although it is product specific) is =last&number=1&units=1440&tree=ON&where=all I have a 950 and have created some VR with it try and see what you think.l

-- Michael McKelvey (, April 26, 2000.

this is one of the best plaxes to go to. I've made a few QTVR's, fot the stitching proces i used the software of livepicture, for the creation of the QTVR i used panomagic which only works on a Apple, which is the better platform to produce QTVR.

Good luck! How are your experiences with the 990, i'm planning to buy one an d i'm interested in people's experiences with the camera especially for creating panoramic images.

-- Marien (, May 14, 2000.

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