Bulding a cheapo air compressor.

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

If you're needing an air compressor and are a tight wad-try using an a/c compressor from an automobile or truck. Set it on top of a 100# L.P. cylinder and belt up to an electric motor. If you want it portable-use a gasoline engine. Electric motor--3/4 h.p.--gasser-5 hp. They work and work well-cheaply! Last one I built for my nephew pumps 100#+ pressure in about 4 minutes.

-- hoot gibson (hoot@otbnet.com), April 16, 2000


Thats been a favorite around here for a long time. They work real well. Even a 1/3 hp motor will give you 85psi. I've never done it but you could also have on-board compressed air on your truck/car by leaving the electric clutch operable on the compressor and hooked up to a pressure switch. Be sure to put some kind of air filter on the suction side of the compressor and a pressure relief valve.

-- john leake (natlivent@pcpros.net), April 17, 2000.

In the past I've used the compressor off of an old freezer unit. It worked well, but I never used it for higher pressures. I wired in an old water well pressure tank cut-off switch to make it more convenient. I suppose tho, that in this day and age we wouldn't dare bleed off the freon into the atmosphere.

-- greenbeanman (greenbeanman@ourtownusa.net), April 17, 2000.

Yeah: Its a no no to bleed off the freon. $10,000 epa fine. I forgot to mention, my experience has been best with compressors off of Fords. They're a 2 cyl reciprocating compressor, made by york I think. GM products have a type of compressor that doesn't work as well and mopar has v=twins with weak crankshafts.

-- john leake (natlivent@pcpros.net), April 17, 2000.

Volvos and AMC's also used that York compressor. Just different brackets and pulleys.

-- Hermit John (ozarkhermit@pleasedontspamme.com), April 18, 2000.

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