FlashPix Viewer

greenspun.com : LUSENET : FlashPix Format : One Thread


My borther-in-law has a Kodak digital camera. When I saw a print of a particular picture, I asked if he'd e-mail me a copy. Now (6 months later), I finally received a floppy with 2 .fpx files on it. I was expecting jpegs or gifs.

I started looking around for a freeware or shareware viewer for this format. Tucows has one that runs on a Mac, but I'm a PC guy (sorry, photographers!). I downloaded Kodak's Picture Transfer Application, thinking I could use it to convert format. Unfortunately, it will only take the Kodak native format (kdc).

Can anyone HELP? :-)


-- Doug Landholt (d.landholt@worldnet.att.net), April 18, 2000


Try "IrfanView" -- it is freeware and is the best no-advertisement imaging freeware I have found.


He now has a plug-in that reportedly allows you to view FPX files...

-- aaa (aaa@bbb.com), August 04, 2000.

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