baby goatr from auction : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I purchased a baby goat (totally unplanned!) at an auction yesterday. He is maybe 2 or 3 weeks old. He is very thin and bony, but reasonably energetic and has a decent appetite. My question is how should I worm him? He's maybe 10 or 15 pounds. I have Ivomec for cattle (injectable) and pyrantel (oral)for dogs and horses. Or I can go buy something else. What should I give this little guy? Thanks.

-- Shannon (Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary) (, April 19, 2000


I have gone through this many times .I would check with your vet if you have a good one .Do you have access to goat milk ? Other wise get a goat or lamb milk replacer .Get some starter grain that is medicated . He should have a selium shot , cd/t and I would give him some antibiotics just in case .

-- Patty Gamble (, April 19, 2000.

You can use the Ivomec injectable, but give it orally. Ask your vet for the right dosage. I agree that it should have a C&D/Tetanus Toxoid shot & follow up with a booster 4-6 weeks later & then once a year after that. I use lamb milk replacer if I need it for a bottle kid. It should be on a bottle until around 12 weeks of age. Purina makes a goat chow & also some good hay & fresh water. Good luck!

-- Wendy (, April 19, 2000.

How the new baby doing ?

-- Patty Gamble (, April 26, 2000.

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