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Why does bread get stale?

What kind of mold grows on bread?

This is for a 4th grade science project.


-- Anonymous, April 20, 2000


Bread go's stale because it looses it's moisture.

-- Anonymous, May 16, 2000

Braed gets stale from the loss of the moisture. By keeping bread in the refrigerator, it will dry out and get stale, but it will not mold very fast, for mold needs moisture to grow. There are four different types of mold. They are black(aspergillus niger), gree, blue, and red. The most common type is black. I did an experiment wth mold, and to learn more about it, please e-mail me.

-- Anonymous, April 01, 2001

Bread gets stale when it's not fresh.

-- Anonymous, April 03, 2001

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