does any one want to see a picture of my home town : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

then go


-- Bloodshed (, April 22, 2000


look at this it is so fun

-- Bloodshed (, April 22, 2000.

hey bloodshed, pick a time and stand on that corner, then we'll be able to see you!

-- torey luvullo (, April 22, 2000.

i will try to set up a time

-- Bloodshed (, April 22, 2000.

Hey Bloodshed, that's pretty cool! Laters!

And why don't you come around to the chat at Delphi now and then, alright? Remember! It's at:

If no one is there, just wait! People drop in now and then! Laters!

-- Celious (, April 24, 2000.

Uh, Celious, my computer, isn't a computer at all it is a webtv and its not compatible with chatrooms, sorry.

-- Bloodshed (, April 25, 2000.

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