Thank you Enrique and Jean : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

Dear Enrique and Jean,

I didn't have any other way to contact you and I just wanted to take a minute to thank you two for answering my questions about RCIA and such over the last year. I was finally baptised, confirmed and received communion during the Easter Vigil. I couldn't be happier. Thank you so much! Tiesha

-- Tiesha (, April 24, 2000


Tiesha: I was certainly happy upon hearing about your Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion and in such a date: EASTER; just like the catechumens in the old days. My family, some relatives of mine and some friends wish to express through me their congratulations to you and our thanks to Our Lord for the excellent graces He bestowed on you. I suppose your relatives must be also very happy and grateful.


-- Enrique Ortiz (, April 26, 2000.

Good work, Men. I knew you were a good man, Jean! Everyone knows Enrique is special. God bless you. David

-- David (, May 20, 2002.

David: thank you very much for the opinion you have of me. Be sure you'll be in my prayers.



-- Enrique Ortiz (, May 21, 2002.

Hi, Enrique. Thank you for your Prayers. You can be sure that, your Grandson, and yourself, and the rest of your family will be in my Prayers.

God bless you and your Family.


-- David (, May 24, 2002.

Dear David, how do you know about my grandson? I post from time to time on the forum, but sometimes my memory is beginning to fail me. Did I mention my grandson in one of my posts. Anyway it was very kind of you mentioning him (my wife and I are certainly "crazy" about our little Pablo).


-- Enrique Ortiz (, May 26, 2002.

Hello, Enrique.

Your memory is "razor sharp". I think I rember reading a old thread,about one year ago. The thread was a few years old. Someone was leaving the forum, and their wife was getting close to having their baby. I think you mentioned your grandson here. I believe you said you were present when "Little Pablo" came into this world. :-)

God bless you and your wife, Enrique.

St. Bathild, (One of the Patronage Saints for children), please pray for, "Little Pablo", and help keep him healthy and safe.

I have already said a few Prayers for "Little Pablo", Enrique.

Your brother in Christ.

David S

-- David (, May 26, 2002.

Thank you, David, you are a good man and a good Christian.


-- Enrique Ortiz (, May 27, 2002.

Dear David: I sent your message about Pablito (little Pablo) to my son and my daughter in law. Besides being very happy to recieve it, they want to express through me that they give you their deepest thanks.


-- Enrique Ortiz (, May 28, 2002.

Dear Jean,

I have a friend whose name is Jean and she is a woman.

I see people here refer to you as 'he.' Are you a he or she? Doesn't really matter, just curious because it sometimes makes a different in communication. If you are a woman, you will understand what I mean. :) MaryLu

-- MaryLu (, May 28, 2002.


Jean is the French version of John.

-- Fred Bishop (, May 28, 2002.

Thank you Fred, so I guess Jean is French and a male. :) MaryLu

-- MaryLu (, May 28, 2002.


Thank you, and your family very much. I know Pablito is a very blessed little boy. He is the center of everyones love in your family. He will be a "special Catholic". I will keep Praying for you guys, Enrique. I promise. :-)

Your brother in Christ.

David S

-- David (, May 29, 2002.

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