items on expedition : LUSENET : MR2 : One Thread

could i still get joker's mask, fire feather big footstep after getting them before?

-- benj (, April 25, 2000


Nope, it really stinks doesnt it, i want another fire feather.

-- Bloodshed (, April 25, 2000.

really? i cant get any of them anymore??? even joker's mask??! well what about the double-edged sword??

-- benj (, April 25, 2000.

really? i cant get any of them anymore??? even joker's mask??! well what about the double-edged sword?? can i fight leo again and win the sword?

-- benj (, April 25, 2000.

you can get the double edged as much as you want, i have gotten it 7 times now

-- Bloodshed (, April 25, 2000.

i have heard of people getting the fire feather more than once, but i haven't been able to do it. as far as i've heard, no one's gotten the joker mask or the footprints twice... and you can fight leo as often as you want - its easy money!

-- torey luvullo (, April 25, 2000.

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