Wollensak barrelgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I bought a Wollensak 210 f/4.5 barrel lens I would like to try on my Crown Graphic. Any comments on the quality and use of this lens would certainly be appreciated. Thanks
-- Jack Frost (frost@mnsi.net), April 27, 2000
I have used two Wollensak lenses in the past--both were excellent performers, though I'm sure neither were up to modern standards. One was a 14" Raptar that I used on an 8x10 camera, and I wish now I hadn't sold it with the camera. The other was a 150mm Raptar that I used for many years as an enlarging lens for my 4x5 negatives. I never had any complaints about the latter lens, but I have replaced it with a modern Schneider.I suspect your Wollensak will work very well for making 4x5 negatives, but if you need critical sharpness, contrast, or color rendition you would do well to obtain a more modern design.
-- (edbuffaloe@unblinkingeye.com), April 28, 2000.