nbc movie series

greenspun.com : LUSENET : wellyeah : One Thread

did anybody watch the 70's movie on nbc tonight?

I saw the final hour of it. it was pretty damn intense. like, 3 people died!!! I was like, what the hell? one guy shoots up and dies of overdose, another crashes his car. it's just baffling. I didn't see the first hour, so I guess I missed the whole point.

and is anyone going to watch next weeks sunday night movie? I forget the name...it is compared to the oddessy. that's all I remember.

-- Amber (starlight@wellyeah.org), May 01, 2000


okay, I found out the name of the new mini series jason and the argonauts.

aaaand I missed the second half of the 70's for good reason. it was on at the same time ally mcbeal came on. I had a decision to make and went with the latter option. good choice too. ally always makes me smile.

anyway, do contribute an answer if you did watch it. I'd still like to know how it ended!

-- Amber (elise@wellyeah.org), May 02, 2000.

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