Displaying Photos on a Rear-Projection TVgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
I have a Nikon CoolPix 900 and download to a new Sony VAIO 505 laptop computer when traveling. I want to display photos on my Mitsubishi VS-60803 60-inch rear-projection TV. I have tried two scan converters that change the progressive-scan output from the Sony laptop to the interlaced-scan NTSC input expected by the TV: (1) a TView Gold from FOCUS Enhancements ($200); and (2) a tvator II from Antec ($150). Each was connected to the TV using an S Video connection.The problem is that each scan converter displays a slightly-blurred image with badly distorted colors on the TV. Attaching a standard CRT computer monitor (VGA) as an auxiliary monitor produces an excellent reproduction of the laptop's screen, so it appears the problem is with the scan converters. I have tweaked everything I can think of on both the Sony laptop, the TV, and the scan converter(s) without noticeable improvement.
Have heard of anyone using a large-screen rear-projection to display digital photos on? If so, do you know how they made this happen?
-- Jim Robinette (jimrobin@nethawaii.net), May 01, 2000
Jim...I have also faced the same dilemna you have. I believe the two systems are just incompatible enough that getting good quality images onto a TV screen is not really feasible at a modest cost. I have an ATI video card which supports NTSC and S-VHS output and can not get the quality I would like to see. I will watch this post and hope that someone may make a suggestion.
-- Bob Ternes Jr. (bternes@ix.netcom.com), May 04, 2000.