where can we purchase your "school bus" breadgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Bread.com FAQ : One Thread |
Recently a friend of ours traveled to Ohio, where she bought your "school bus" bread. She brought a loaf of it home to my dad, who is a school bus mechanic. He ate your bread, was very happy with the flavor and wants to know where we can buy "school bus" bread, here in North Carolina. The friend told us that she had bought the bread from a Kroger Grocery Store. Do you stock any other grocery store chains, other than Kroger? The reason that I am asking is that, we do not have any Kroger's in the area. The major grocery store chain owned locally is Ingles Markets, out of Black Mountain, NC. I also tried a piece of the bread, and would like to purchase it for my family because it had a wonderful flavor, texture, and was not that expensive. The last email that I had left your company, over 2 weeks ago went unanswered, that I believe is poor customer service and I do want to become one of your customers. I would like to hear from your company, and you may email me at the above email address. Thank you for your time and consideration.Mrs. Heather Burnette
-- Anonymous, May 05, 2000
Currently, Schoolbus bread is not sold in North Carolina. If you're interested in having it at your store, you can request it, however. They can contact Integrated Bakery Resources at (503)699-1112 if they're interested in carrying it. Schoolbus bread is incredibly popular, and one of the only white breads that has any nutritional value at all. I'm glad you like it so much.I personally like the bags, also. Interesting tidbit: the designs are slightly different in Canada and in Hawaii. In Canada, one of the kids has a hockey stick and a Canadian t-shirt, for example. :-)
-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000
Dear Heather,Thank you for contacting The Original Oatmeal Baking Company regarding our Schoolbus Bread.
In your e-mail you said that you contacted our company by e-mail over two weeks ago and the e-mail went unanswered. I would like to apologize to you, that you did not get a response from our Customer Service Department. I answer all e-mails and do not remember getting one from your e-mail address. I would like to assure you that we do take customer service seriously.
Our Schoolbus Bread is not sold in North Carolina at this time but we do offer mail order on our various bread and Schoolbus in one of the breads. If you would e-mail me your name, address and phone number I will mail to you the forms that you will need to process mail order.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at (503)699-1112 or lindas@bread.com
Sincerely, Linda Sewall Customer Service Rep.
-- Anonymous, June 13, 2000