Slides to : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread |
This is all relatively new to me, like 4-5 hours, so please forgive my ignorance. I have been put in charge of developing a digital slide show for a high school banquet. The problem is is that all the pictures all year were taken as slides. I have read a few of the posts, and think they mean that there are scanners out there for negatives. Slides?? Thanks for any suggestions.
-- BartEwald (, May 07, 2000
Dohhhh. Forget my stupid questions. I am now hours more experienced, and have found a friend with a scanner that will do slides. And if that doesn't work, its off to Kodak. I learned how to use the search in the Forum!!! Shoulda thought about that first
-- BartEwald (, May 07, 2000.
congrats on finding the search function! :) there are many that never do =)
-- Keat Lim (, May 07, 2000.
By your friend a case of his/her favorite beer real quick cause Kodak will cost a lot more.
-- bill (, May 08, 2000.