Besler23c : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread |
I have a Besler23c not the II but the plain c. Is this a condenser or diffusion enlarger?
-- Joseph Lacy (, May 08, 2000
If it has a bellows system above the negative stage, I believe it is a condenser unit.
-- Robert Orofino (, May 08, 2000.
Above the negative stage is a bellows. reach up to the top part of the bellows and carefully pull it down. When it is free of the black metal "can" that it covered, pull the "can" forward. It should come out easily. In a condenser unit (which is probably what you have) you will see the 2 lenses with their convex sides together. Besseler also makes a diffusion screen which is just a flat piece of white translucent material (no lenses). Various cold-light units are also made by third- party manufacturers for this popular enlarger.
-- Paul Harris (, May 09, 2000.