Enlarging Lens

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

I have just started enlarging my pictures(B&W of course) using old Focomat IC. It is a good enlarger and prints well. I use both Schneider componon 50mm and Apo 60mm lenses ,since I do not have an old Focotar to match with my Focomat.

I have here prepared two questions.

1. Focomat is basically an auto focus enlarger, and I have such a difficulty adjusting the position and hight of the enlarger at the right spot. when I'm using my 60mm lens. I usually enlarge my picture to the size of 11X14. In order for me to establish the right position, I must raise the base of the enlarger so high up and bring the enlarger head down to establsh the right focusing spot. But when I do that, since Schneider lens has a large apature lever(all Scneider lens have this leve)every time I try to focus the red safety filter gets in a way and hits the lever and focus must be readjusted.

Is there any other way to do this so this problem be solved?

-- Hirohiko Inatome (Hirohiko_Inatome@usjc.co.jp), May 10, 2000


If you can remove the red safety filter. On my enlarger it was secured with 2 screws. I just replace the screws to block any light leaks. Perhaps you can do this with your enlarger as well.

-- Robert Orofino (rorofino@iopener.net), May 10, 2000.

Remove the aperture lever from the lens. Another suggestion is to get Leica f4.5 50mm Focotar lens and focus automatically from 2-10X.

-- Eilert Anders (eilert@dav.com), May 12, 2000.

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