Info about art deco : LUSENET : Art Deco Society of Washington : One Thread |
I recenmtly bought an art deco cobalt cocktail shaker with a silver top and six triangular cobalt glasses that are cordial-sized. How can I learn the value and origin of this set?
-- Linda Penney (, May 10, 2000
Linda, There is a fabulous book out by Stephen Visakay called "Vintage Bar Ware". Published by Collector books and avaliable at any online book store. It is the definitive book on shakers.Cheers, John Program Chairperson ADSW
-- John Freedman (, June 10, 2000.
take it to an antique dealer!!!!!!!!!!!!!! derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.get a fukin brain m8!
-- emily roper (, November 04, 2004.