Sourdough crust color : LUSENET : FAQ : One Thread

I've been able to bring out the flavor and texture in my Sourdough, but I'm missing the color in the crust. I've tried steam in the oven, steaming the bread for 2 hours prior to baking but none of this has worked. My oven temp is set at 400 degrees. Do I need more heat? Do you have an idea? Any informative information would be appreciated.

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2000


start off with a hot oven 450-475 degrees, steam and reduce temp to 425.

-- Anonymous, July 23, 2000


Try using an egg wash (egg yolk + 1 tsp water) prior to putting it into a 450 F oven for 15 minutes; the reduce to 400 F.

Good luck.


-- Anonymous, April 19, 2001

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