chicken tractor : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I thought some of you would like this idea. iwanted a chicken tractor but wanted to be able to store it easy.I had some 3foot chainlink left over and some elc. conduit (1/2" thin wall)Itook and bent two 10' lengths 90 degres at both ends added 34"in the center to make 9'x3' rectangle that's one side same for the other side.loosely wired the two of the long sides together so they would pivet(oh yea put the chainlink on them)cover both ends with 1" chicken wire I bent some wire arches 10 of them and with more chicken wire made a tunell from my chicken pin to the tractor. I find it's light weight (you can pick it up with one hand)and it folds flat for storage I put behind the chickencoop on even ground i did have to stake it down and terri(my better half) finds it very easy to work with to. I'm sure this is not a new idea but I thought i would share I hope it's clear enought to follow. Shaun

-- shaun cornish (, May 13, 2000


I am new to the forum and enjoyed your "chicken tractor" idea. I have left over chain link and have just the use for it now. Thanks and Happy farming.

-- Shau Marie Miller (, January 10, 2001.

How do you get their little feet to reach the clutch pedel?They would probably be better drivers than my goats.

-- Greg (, January 16, 2001.

Neat idea Shaun!! Hubby is planning to use PVC and chicken wire to make some to fit my raised beds so I can let them clean one of them up without getting in the others. We were going to use pipe straps on the wooden sides of the beds to hold them in place. Old water pipe or conduit would probably be heavy enough to stay by where can I find some old water pipe.....?

-- Polly (, January 16, 2001.

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