goat milk ice cream

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

i know it doesn't sound like much but my new goat is giving between 2-3 quarts of milk a day and i would like to know if i can just use the milk in ice cream receipes as an equal exchange for the amount of cream and or milk they call for. thanks gail

-- gail fick (gef123@hotmail.com), May 15, 2000


I do and it works fine. I also have a recipie for "Gobert", which is a sorbet type ice cream made out of goat milk and jello. I need to dig it out, in one of my old Countrysides.

-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), May 16, 2000.

I've made ice cream that way, and thought it was better than with cream!

-- Kathleen Sanderson (stonycft@worldpath.net), May 16, 2000.

My husband and I think goat's milk makes the best ice cream in the world. When I get time I'll sent you our recipe.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), May 16, 2000.

Cindy, If you dont mind can I have the reciepe also? I want to pass It on to our 4h goat group.

-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), May 18, 2000.

Goat's Milk Ice Cream: 4 eggs(beaten)...1 can sweetened condensed milk...2 1/2 c. sugar... 2 T. vanilla(more is o.k.)...1/2 t. salt...2 qt. goat's milk...Mix all ingredients very well...put in maker... add additional milk to fill to bottom of the last prong on the paddle...process as usual. You'll need rock salt and 2 bags of Ice. Enjoy, you can add fresh fruit if you like.

-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), May 18, 2000.

Thanks cindy.

-- kathy h (saddlebronc@msn.com), May 21, 2000.

Thanks for posting that ice cream recipe. Now Bernice could you post yours? Please! Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), May 21, 2000.

OK.. here goes, had to dig this one out literally. I save all my Countrysides and this one was from 1991. OOPs.. I said jello, but its kool-aid, I use jello too.

4 cups goat milk 1 cup sugar 1 package unsweetened Kool-Aid Mix all ingredients well. Place in freezer for 4 hrs or until partially frozen. beat until large particles are fine and look almost creamy. return to freezer for 1 hr. This is from Johnetta Heil.... better give credits here.

-- Bernice (geminigoats@yahoo.com), May 21, 2000.

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