Stupid parent tricks : LUSENET : (parenthesis) : One Thread

Ever done anything stupid as a parent (or pet owner, for that matter) that you kicked yourself for later?

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2000


Yeah, the morning we found the cat with my youngest's hamster in his mouth (well, a paw was sticking out). I told the kid without thinking that he wouldn't have to feed Blue that morning, that he'd already eaten. (This was after his dad had told him Josephine was no longer with us.)

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2000

I knew there might be a few flurries, but I wore some shoes with slick bottoms anyway. As I was carrying our daughter (about 10 months old and weighing about 15-20 lbs) into the doctor's building, I slipped on the concrete just inside the door, and we both went down. I held her as tightly as I could, but her head bounced off (literally) the concrete. She screamed and I did my best to calm her. There are times I wonder why they didn't take her away from me then and there.

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2000

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