How to contact print with even borders? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I want to make some contact prints of large format negatives, full frame, and want 1) to control the position of the negative on the paper so as to have even borders, and 2) to have the borders white. Obviously I need to make some kind of paper-sized mask with a cut-out for the negative. Does anyone have any tips regarding this? Registration of mask/paper? Mask material? Etc.? TIA, njb
-- Nacio Brown (, May 24, 2000
If you are doing B/W this will be easy, do it with a safelight and as you suggested, a mask. Tape the mask to the contacter and then carefully position the negative. With color, it is a bit more difficult but you can tape the negative and the mask before hand (use clear scotch tape). The tape really won't show through, although there will be an edge effect. Try it. Cheers, Scott
-- Scott Walton (, May 25, 2000.
What size negatives, Nacio? For up to 5x7, Kodak made a neat printing frame with adjustable borders just for that very purpose. Larger than that will require a mask. Assuming you're using a contact printer, registration shouldn't be a problem. Just put the items down in the following order: paper on bottom, negative, then mask. You might try using a mat cutter on some RC paper which should leave smooth edges, provided you trim the corners up with a razor.
-- Alec (, May 25, 2000.
Why not use black plastic electrician's tape straight onto your contact glass? Quick'n'easy, you can peel it off again without a mark provided it hasn't been in place too long.
-- Pete Andrews (, May 26, 2000.
Try Rubylith, that red masking material they used to use in graphic arts. You can cut, say, an 8x10 rectangle for smaller than 8x10 negatives. Then cut a hole out (use an X-ACTO) for the exact negative size (4x5 or 5x7). Works perfectly. You get that contact print look (film edges and coding) AND perfect white borders!
-- Richard Coda (, May 28, 2000.
Several companies make two-sided easels with hinged covers which put a nice neat border around standard sized prints. They usually go for about $30-45 used, but I just bought a really nice one for $17 on eBay. Look around.
-- Kevin Krumwiede (, June 12, 2000.