How do I stop a : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread |
I have a suspended repossession order on my house. Just after Christmas I defaulted and was told by the Halifax that they were applying for a warrant of possession. I rang them up and eventually they agreed for me to pay the missed instalment and they stopped proceedings. Unfortunately due to unforseen circumstances I was not able to make April's payment. I have received a letter from the Halifax saying that they were again applying for a warrant of possession. I rang them as soon as I had received the letter and said that I could pay 2 instalments at the end of May. They refused saying that they would only accept half the arrears to stop the possession. Half the arrears are #1200 and even though my house is in joint names, I am a divorced mother of two young children, so as you can imagine I don't have this kind of money. I have previously asked the Halifax to remove my ex husbands name from the mortgage but they have refused because my mortgage is in arrears. I have contacted the CAB and am due to see one of their debt advisors on the 12 June but as the Halifax wrote to me on the 23/5/00 to say that they have applied to the court for a warrant of possession I am concerned that this will not be soon enough. Please can somebody out there help me. I don't want to lose the roof over my head.
-- Sarah West (, May 25, 2000
It has been some time since your email - have you managed to resolve your problems - if not contact me on 0800 169 9870
-- Jane Griffiths (ECM.CONSULTANTS@VIRGINNET.CO.UK), July 05, 2000.