resolution for prints : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Using Adobe PhotoDeluxe 2.0 sftwre, Epson Stylus Color 800 printer, Nikon CP 950 Camera, set on "fine", at 1200x1600. Wanting the best possible quality print-out, using the best paper I can find, without losing any part of the photo, I've been sizing at 10.6 inches (the long way) in PhotoDeluxe, but need to know what resolution to choose. Currently I use 200, but I'm guessing. Surely there is a definitive answer to this question. Thanks, TFB

-- Tom F. Bryant (, May 25, 2000


I'm not familiar with using PhotoDeluxe even though I have it on my computer. I use Photoshop 5.5 for output to Epson printer and normally 240 ppi is optimum for use at 720 dpi res on the printer. I normally output everything at 300 ppi because I normally print at 1440 dpi. Anything above this is wasted file space. Fred

-- fred (, May 25, 2000.

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