please say what should i do now?? : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

I first posted last year May - BIG SHORTFALL I AM LOST. Since then I have received around fifteen letters 'taking me to court' in 7 days, and have responded to all. I wrote to them (DLA for the Abbey). They know my finances show I have zero to pay them. In January I asked for evidence of all of the costs involved, A breakdown of interest, and evidence that they got the best price for me. They have written back 4 months later showing me that a house was sold in the same road for 43 but it still took them a year to sell my house for 36!! As for a breakdown of interest, they say I have to pay #20 for each year I want!! They say that as per previous letters their client is willing to accept #6000 which is them being'kind' enough as to write off #28000. I do not have this cash and am pulling my hair out. What now?

-- D Brown (, May 25, 2000

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