What's Your Bond Girl Name?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Squishy : One Thread

Since the Wu names were so much fun, I thought I'd post this. Find out your Bond (I keep typing "Bong") Girl name.

Oh, and go and check out Kristin's smart and funny journal, it's where I found the link.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000


Foreplay, Penny Foreplay. Yeah, baby! Sounds like I'm cheap, yet you won't get very far.

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Casta Spellonmi. I like that. "Come now, Mr. Bond, surely you know a little magic, don't you?"

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2000

Eh-eh, here we go.
Depending on the name configuration used [pseudo, firstname, firstnameS...], I end up being:
- Testa U. Melons [I hate it but it might be consider relevant, since I have kindof a heavy 'bust', shall we say]
- Lemmy Lickett [and yes,I swallow as well]
and last but not least,
- Everywhere, Ms Kisme Everywhere. Nice, init?

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Huh. Both my regular name and my nickname were "kisme everywhere." It could be much worse, I'm sure.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Racy Linens. Heehee. The fuck?

My day has started off with amusement - many thanks. *g*

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

I'm another Kisme Everywhere.

Which is better than my maiden name, Anita Mandalay.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Ura Lotaman. I have a problem with this, since, being a Bond Girl, I am not a man. But whatever. I guess I'm supposed to be saying this to James?

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Plethora Mounds. I wonder if it means "mounds of Venus" or boobs?

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

buck likeafunny


-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Dr. X. Plormy.

I like anything that makes me sound smarter and is an invitation for nookie.

words diminish

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

hate to say it, but i think i've got you all beat.

upright. dumie upright.


-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Hello. I'm May. May I. Rideyou.

But depending on what you really call me, you might call me Plethora Mounds or Ida Dunner.

And since I already peed on Eric's leg, if you meet him he's going to tell you to think of him as Nora Lation-Ship.

I'm that good.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Various results reported:

Willa Mandu

Mucho Derriere

Em Ihotorwhat

Caesar Ihardlynoher

Juva Nile

Queen Foranhour

Ura Lottaman

Connie Getitup

Eezy Aspye

Heywood Jablomy

Annie Position

Uda Kister

All of these are better than Ivana Humpalot, I suppose. Yikes.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Hi. Nice to meet you. I'm Slappy Goodtime.


no extra day

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Hehe. . .mine name is Morami Tulov.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Apparently, as the only tranvestite Bond boy that has been brave enough to post..My name is, Em Ihotorwhat. (only kidding about that transvestite thingie..seriously..I mean it..geez..I am not in denial..quit it)

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Gross. I'm Dumie Upright, too.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Ack! I'm Morami Tulov, too!

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

I'm Hope Shilldumi


-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Anita Mandalay.

I've never been so mortified.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Mine is odd....Connie Getitup

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

I'm Vera Cutecouple. Awfully innocent, compared to the rest of the names...

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

I'm Vera Cutecouple. That one sucks. How am I a cute couple?

Although my husband got Amanda Hugginkiss, which is pretty cool.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Kate, YOU'VE never been so mortified?? My Bondgirl name is also Anita Mandalay.

I'm a lesbian.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Howdy. Kay F. Eyewatch here.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

You knew it was coming sooner or later. I'm so blessed: Amanda Hugginkiss. Revere me now for the splendor that is my Bondness.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

I got Cy Kotic

what the hell?

it is pretty coool though....I sound more powerful now.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Current name- Hope Shilldumi.
Maiden name- Plethora Mounds.
Hmm. Which is worse?

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Ugh. You know you're turning into a big fat-ass when:

Your Bond-girl name is "Mucho Derriere".

Excuse me while I go starve myself.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

I'm another Amanda Hugginkiss, but my boyfriend is Body Sinmotion... hoo boy.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

"Buck Likeafunny" oh that just SUCKS!!!

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Okay, haven't got a first name yet, but if Bond ever goes gay, Can I be (Something) Testicockules? Is that a good one?

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2000

Position, Annie Position. Alright!!!!!!! That is with my "real" father's last name. My stepfather's I'm Nile, Juva Nile. I think I like Annie Position better.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

With my full name, which is what I usually go by, I'm Testa U. Melons. *looks at cleavage* Um, yep, that makes sense. With just my first and last names, I go by Body Sinmotion. Ooh, yeah!

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

Mucho Derriere as Suzy Smith Fawn Allovermy as Suzy Pietras (maiden name)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

Gwen Everdude

I see.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

I never saw this coming:

Fawn Allovermy

Do you think I can get away with legally changing my name to this?

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

Aye yam PLETHORA MOUNDS. Feer mee, meestor Bond, for aye weel smoother you weeth mahy ample boosom.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

Oh, I love it. After all these, I have a new one.

Uda Kister.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2000

yes! I am Dr. X. Plormy.

Look into my eyes....turn your head...now cough for me, darling. You know you love it.

I feel like Denise Richards. Wowza. But, you know, more believable.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000

Tulov. Morami Tulov.

Doesn't make sense, but it's better than it could be.

-- Anonymous, May 29, 2000

When I first saw the forum topic, I thought we were making up our own Bond girl names, so mine was going to be Assy Tremendous.

Now I see that I am actually supposed to check a site, so I will go do that now.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

My married name gave me Eezy Aspye.

Oh and I am right there with you on the stairmaster, Angela, because my maiden name put me at "Morami Tulov". That sucks, man.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

As another male Bond girl

Willa Mandu Well you never know

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Ima Goodscrew at your service....

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Ura Lotaman.

I just don't get that. I suppose, Clementine, we say that to Bond or any other appropriate male that happens to be near....

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Heidi, Y'all!

I'm May I. Rideyou and I work at the Dairy. I can't say that I know what a Bond girl is but it sure sounds like fun! yeehaw!

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Another Cy Kotic. Aw man, i wanted a sexy name!

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

I didn't like any of the names from the generator, so I made up my own.

Fonda Peters.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Testa U. Melons


That would have served me well with the hot punk rock girl last night.

-- Anonymous, May 30, 2000

Racy Linens?

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

Body Sinmotion. I kick ass!

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

Believe it or not, I'm May IRideYou too!

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

hope sheeldoomy.


-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

I like the idea of making up our own. :)


Wanda Bracup.

Shelly Rider.


Ann Hedonia

Major Cooties

BTW, I think it was Stefani Testicockules, right? :)

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2000

Another Bond Guy...

Heywood Jablomy. Huh, punk...woodja?

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2000

Testa U. Melons Zo Meesta Bond....the name is Melons, Testa U. Melons. Do you vant to try your hand viz me..? Could have been worse I suppose...Gotta Teratitov par exemple..!

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2000

I got a new one! Olga Andweiza... I can't figure this one out...am I just slow or does everyone else also not get it? And was that question grammatically correct? And did I spell grammatically correct? Oh, forget it...I'm a bond girl...yipppppppppeeeeeee!! What's everyone's Wu names? Has there been a forum on that already? Mine is Spunky Misunderstood Genious.

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2000

Well, when you're not addressing me as Bastard, BASTARD HarbourMastah (see the Wu names thread), you may call me Kisme Everywhere. It seems to be a fairly usual one, but I could do worse, I'm sure.

...and I really really really wished I'd turn out to be a Dr X. Plormy...

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2000

You may call me Zoe Didder, thankyouverymuch... :)

-- Anonymous, June 07, 2000

Olga Andweiser = Older and Wiser

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2000

I can't gewt any of the bond name generators to work...One just sends me to a DVD online store....Help!

-- Anonymous, March 03, 2002

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