Looking for 20" Monitor comparision articles

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Anyone seen any reviews of 20" monitors? I've looked in PCMag, Google etc and can't find any. I want to buy a 20" with something other than "a pig in a poke" methodology.

-- bill (this_old_house@pobox.com), May 26, 2000


Go to a store that has a bunch on display and pick that way. :) Shadow mask is good for sharper detail (text, line art), trinitron (diamondtron) has brighter, more vivid colors (and two tiny lines you probably won't notice).

I'm really happy with my viewsonic PT815. Much prefer trinitron over shadow mask for my type of work.

-- benoit (foo@bar.com), June 01, 2000.

Thanks for the feedback but I enjoy reading about what I buy. Going into a store (you do mean computer fair don't you?) leads to a lot of confusion with salesmen telling you what you want to hear and dazzling you with a feature length action movie (with quad sound) being driven by a server hidden under the counter.

I am leaning towards a PF815 but hesitate for the reasons you mentioned. In the end any will be a big improvement although I've been very happy with my 17" Mag which I paid $1,100 for in 1992. I'm replacing it because the print on the screen is getting blurred. (Maybe I should take it to the optometrist).

-- bill (this_old_house@pobox.com), June 01, 2000.

I meant to go to a store to compare using your eyes, not listening to salesmen. :) I picked out my monitor at a comdex chicago, where many monitors were on display. If I were buying today I'd get the model you mentioned, good price/performance point. It's an updated version of what I own now. There are better monitors, but they cost way more (e.g. hitachi, one of only 2 or 3 companies that actually make their own 20" tubes). Tips to improve monitor performance include using BNC cables, keeping the monitor a bit away from magnetic sources like your computer, and using a video card with a high speed DAC.

-- benoit (foo@bar.com), June 02, 2000.

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