Jumping Bug

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread


I've just played Jumping (Rainbow Islands clone) and discovered that the game is full of bugs. The first 3 islands are fine, but then in round 13 there's no monsters and in the rest of the rounds it stays on the first screen a few seconds with the message GOAL IN.

Have anyone else discovered this problem?

Is there anywhere, where I can/should upload that bug recording for other players to see?

Just thought I would let you all know. The game should probably be banned until a better ROM is created, or what?


-- Frankie (frankie@image.dk), May 27, 2000


Actually, I thought this game WAS banned ? Previous recordings were deleted a while back. Thats my reason for not submitting any scores on this game. Well that , plus the fact that it`s crap :)


-- Alex Weir (alexweir@indigo.ie), May 27, 2000.

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