repair Speedlight 188A? : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I have a Canon Speedlight 188A that is used on an AE-1 Program, but the plastic shoe mount on the flash has chipped. Is there anywhere that these can be ordered, any other repairs/modifications that I can try, or should I just look for another one on the used market? Thanks.

-- Brian Bridges (, May 27, 2000


I would just look for another one. Or pick up a 199A. There aren't many parts around, and they aren't that expensive.

-- Terry Carraway (, May 28, 2000.

Same thing happened to my 188A. If you still have the pieces, crazy glue works very well. If not, then buy another flash. I bought the used 199A for $99 instead. It's a better flash anyway.

You would think the manufacturer would learn that the hot shoe design isn't very rigid to handle slight abuses by now...but guess they'll never learn.

-- deco (, June 03, 2000.

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