Leicaflex SL Exposure Metergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
Does anyone know how the exposure meter on the SL has to be operated? In the viewfinder I see an indicator on the right side which moves, when I change aperture or time setting. On the bottom the chosen time is readable. There is a button on the right side of the camera (front view), which causes another indicator seen in the viewfinder to deflect as far as the lower semicircular marking. I think, this is for checking the status of the meter battery, which is a renewed Varta PX625. So, are there any 'Camera Controls' for correct aperture and time setting? I use a Summicron-R 1:2/50.
-- Michael Prussak (michael.prussak@physik.fu-berlin.de), May 31, 2000
You align the needle with the other needle with the circle on it and that it is it. The battery is OK if, when pressing the button on the side of the pentaprism, the needle flicks down as far as the black spot at the bottom right hand corner. Needless to say the metered area is contained within the microprism spot.
-- Robin Smith (rsmith@springer-ny.com), May 31, 2000.
The meter is activated by pulling out the film advance lever part way. Not sure if this is what you were looking for.
-- Steve Rasmussen (srasmuss@flash.net), June 05, 2000.
This is related to the meter. Make sure that the polarizer you use is circular and not linear! Otherwise your metering will be inaccurate as the meter cell in the Leicaflex SL is located under the mirror and therefore requires a circular polarizer.
-- Bo Pryszlak (natabo@aztec-net.com), December 28, 2000.