southern branch - blacksburg,s.c. to gafney,s.c. : LUSENET : Southern Railway : One Thread

would like to know what was the orginal company that built the line from Blacksburg,S.C. to Gaffney,S.C. via Cherokee Falls. According to a 1895 map the roads reporting marks were S.C. & G.E.. Could this have possibly been the old South Carolina and Georgia Extension?

-- gene mcdaniel (, June 01, 2000


You are correct. The SR line from Blacksburg to Gaffney, S.C., via Cherokee Falls, was built by the SOUTH CAROLINA & GEORGIA EXTENSION R.R. as a branch of their mainline and opened in August 1898. The SC&GE went into the SR in June 1902. As the branch paralleled the SR's Charlotte-Atlanta mainline, it became rather surplus, and was freight only by 1930. It was abandoned by 1938.

-- Tom Underwood (, June 01, 2000.

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